In their hearts human beings plan their course, but the LORD establishes their steps. Proverbs 16:9

Dream Big. Have Faith. Believe. Succeed.

Saturday, January 23, 2016

You are the Master of your Own Destiny

Unhealthy and Unhappy in 2006
Today, 2016. Happy & Healthy

These photos I'm sharing with you are at my heaviest weight of over 200lbs. I battled for years with my weight. At this point, although I am smiling in these pictures, I was so depressed. Behind those eyes was a girl who was full of sadness and who was hopeless. I hated myself...every single part of me. I wasn't an overweight girl who was confident in herself. I was overweight and completely self conscious of everything about myself. I thought I was a loser and I could never be myself around anyone. I wanted to so badly be comfortable in my own skin, but I wasn't and I didn't know how to love myself. I suffered with social anxiety, depression that would come and go and I felt trapped in a body that I thought I would never be able to change. I had tried everything at this point in my life. Weight watchers, Diet pills, 10 day detox diets, hired a nutritionist, Nutrisystem....EVERYTHING except surgery of course! I would start a program and give up if I wasn't seeing results QUICKLY. I wanted the weight to come off so fast and I wanted to find whatever was QUICK and easy..and I didn't want to put in the effort to WORK for it. At this point I never worked out a day in my life. Growing up I didn't play any sports or was active at all. I was lazy and didn't want to move. The thought of exercise was exhausting. I still can't believe I felt that way, but I did...I thought "WHO IN THE WORLD WANTS TO EXERCISE?" 

But then..came a point, where I couldn't live with myself anymore. I WAS TIRED of giving up and letting myself down. I wanted it SO bad..and in order to get to where I am today, I HAD TO WORK FOR IT. I made a decision one day, that I had to workout, AND WORK FOR MY DESIRED BODY. Nothing in life comes easy and that is what being over weight has taught me. No one else but myself was going to make it happen. Not until I changed my MINDSET and BELIEF in myself was I able to accomplish reaching goals I never thought were possible to get to. 

I never thought I would be where I am today. Sometimes, I forget that person who you see in these pictures. It's crazy to look back at these photos and I can remember how sad I was. I am in such a better place in my life and I am so happy that I didn't just let the years go by and never actually GO OUT AND MAKE IT HAPPEN. 

You don't have to suffer. You CAN do ANYTHING you set your mind on achieving. I was once an unbeliever and now I know that if you work hard and you want something SO bad you can't get it out of your mind, if you just put in the work daily, baby steps, do things that will get you to your goal in the long run, you will eventually get there. I used to be one of those people that used to say "I'll start tomorrow" or "I'll start next week", "I'll start next month." It was never "TODAY I will start." NOW IS THE ONLY TIME YOU why wait till tomorrow? 

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